Journal Details

  • British Journal of Medical and Health Research

    Publisher BJMHR
    E-ISSN 2394-2967
    Print ISSN -
    Chief Editor Dr.Jitendra S.Patel
    Contact email
    Address B-201 VIsvas Platinum 1, Nr Hetarth Party Plot, Science city Road, Ahmedabad, Gujarat- 380060.
    Country India
    Impact Factor Or Status Awaiting
    Journal Description

    We glad to announce that the British Journal of Medical and Health Research (BJMHR) Scientific Journals were developed with the aim to assist researchers to grow at all levels. British Journal of Medical and Health Research (BJMHR) is an official scientific website for the online publication of research articles, review articles, case studies or short communications through various research scholars. BJMHR is a monthly publishing serial publishing reviews, research articles and short communications. British Journal of Medical and Health Research (BJMHR) works on editorial policy of publishing original, high scientific quality and interesting reviews, research articles and short communications. BJMHR sticks on the policy of rejecting reviews, research articles and short communications not sufficiently substantiated by experimental detail. Editors reserve the right to make alterations in the text without altering the technical content.

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